Westerly Family Centre

We are here for you, and we can help you by ensuring we have up to date information of local services in your area, that are here to help you.

There is a huge amount of information of linkages with in our community for you located in right in our foyer space, we have updated service flyers and information brochures and if it’s not there you if you need some assistance for anything we will always do our best to point you in the right direction!

That’s what we are here for. You are welcome to browse in private too, but help is not far away if you need some assistance.

Below is a range of local services that might be of help:

Child & Parent Centre East Waikiki – free local parenting workshops and support for all in the Rockingham area

Phone – 9367 0967

Email eastwaikiki@ngala.com.au

Ngala Parenting Line – Parents advice for children from 0 – 18years.

8am – 8pm 7 days a week

Phn: 9368 9368

Country: 1800 111 546

Raising Children – The Australian Parenting website

Website – https://raisingchildren.net.au/

Nutrition Australia – Healthy Body, Healthy Mind Inspiring and empowering healthy eating for all Australia

Website – https://www.nutritionaustralia.org/

Wanslea – Wanslea promotes community, family, and individual development through partnerships and services

Website – https://www.wanslea.asn.au/

SCALES Community Legal Centre – provides free legal advice, information and representation to low income people living in the Kwinana and Rockingham areas.
Rockingham WA 6168
T: 08 9550 0400
E: scales@murdoch.edu.au
Website – https://communitylegalwa.org.au/

Emergency Relief in Rockingham – Local Services Flyer


Additional Services